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UBC Applied Science, UBC Science, and UBC Equity & Inclusion Office: Ben Britton
August 1, 2019 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
UBC Applied Science, UBC Science, and UBC Equity & Inclusion Office presents a seminar:
Ben Britton
Senior Lecturer and Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow Imperial College, London, UK Trustee of Pride in STEM
Date: Aug 1, 2019
Time: 12:00-1:00 PM
Location: Room 202, Chemical and Biological Engineering Building
For details, please see poster and visit https://apsc.ubc.ca/event/2019/no-sexuality-please-we-are-scientists.
Title: No sexuality please, we’re scientists – Pride in STEM
Abstract: It is tempting to suggest that science can be conducted in a social vacuum, disconnected from the reality of everyday society and the human actors who call themselves scientists. However, there is significant evidence1 to suggest that enabling humans to be human enables them to think freely and supports the long-term prosperity of the scientific discourse. Enabling individuals to bring their whole selves to work promotes the ability for us to form diverse teams who can draw from a range of perspectives to provide robust decision making and find exciting new avenues of inquiry. In the diversity space, a significant amount of attention is placed upon understanding challenges in attracting and retaining women and girls in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). Many of these challenges are shared by LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, plus more) colleagues, people of different races, people with disabilities (both visible and invisible), and different social class. In this talk, we will explore the motivations and recent research around the issues of LGBTQ+ in STEM2, as well as initiatives to queer up science spaces and science up queer spaces to promote and embrace a more accessible, equal, diverse and inclusive STEM culture.
In the lead up to this talk, find out why coming out in STEM matters.
*)LGBTQ+ = Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer and analogous terms; STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
[1] S.E. Page “The difference: How the power of diversity creates better groups, firms, schools, and societies” (Princeton Univ.Press 2008)
[2] B.E. Hughes “Coming out in STEM: Factors affecting the retention of sexual minority STEM students” (Science Advances 2018)