MSL Guest Speaker – Dr. Cheri Sirois

Michael Smith Laboratories Multipurpose Room (MSL 101) 2185 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Publishing your work: insider advice from a scientific editor  Dr. Cheri Sirois - Scientific Editor for Cell, Boston, USA Thursday, February 6 from 3-4pm in MSL 101 Host: Dr. Martin Hirst   Have you ever wondered what happens to your paper after you submit it to a journal? This talk will give you an idea of […]

MSL EDI Committee Workshop Series – Building Queer and Trans Inclusive Spaces

Michael Smith Laboratories Multipurpose Room (MSL 101) 2185 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

To celebrate Pride month, the MSL EDI committee is happy to announce that we will be offering our Workshop: Building Queer and Trans Inclusive Spaces. June 28, 2024 10am - 12pm MSL 101 and Zoom All trainees, staff and faculty are welcome. Snacks will be provided. Over the course of this workshop, we will cover […]

Exploring the Power of Multiomic Solutions – Seminar with biomodal and Illumina

Michael Smith Laboratories Multipurpose Room (MSL 101) 2185 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Come learn about new advances in Illumina sequencing, epigenomics, and other ‘omics including the introduction of 5mC and 5hmC methylation states for a comprehensive “6-base genome”. See how these new insights can change how we understand biology. Meet the experts from Illumina, biomodal and UBC MSL to discuss how your lab can get started with […]

entrepreneurship@UBC Venture Founder Intake Information Session

Michael Smith Laboratories Multipurpose Room (MSL 101) 2185 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

​Are you thinking about translating your research into a product or service for societal impact? The Michael Smith Laboratories has invited entrepreneurship@UBC to come inform our department members about its upcoming Venture Founder intake (free lunch).  Venture Founder is a UBC funded 16-week program that provides aspiring deep tech founders with a business skillset and surrounds them with […]

MSL EDI Committee Workshop Series: Workshop 2 – Building Queer and Trans Inclusive Spaces

Michael Smith Laboratories Multipurpose Room (MSL 101) 2185 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The MSL Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee is happy to announce the second workshop of our six-part EDI workshop series: Building Queer and Trans Inclusive Spaces!

MSL EDI Committee Workshop Series: Workshop 2 – Building Queer and Trans Inclusive Spaces

Michael Smith Laboratories Multipurpose Room (MSL 101) 2185 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The MSL Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee is happy to announce the second workshop of our six-part EDI workshop series: Building Queer and Trans Inclusive Spaces!

MSL EDI Committee Workshop Series: Workshop 1 – EDI Basics

Michael Smith Laboratories Multipurpose Room (MSL 101) 2185 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Basics is our first workshop of a six-part series. During this workshop, we will facilitate two activities: 1) a team-oriented exercise to build a mobile and 2) an individual reflection activity of identity mapping. Through these activities, we will explore and start a conversation around relevant EDI concepts and their direct application.  The workshop will be facilitated by MSL EDI Committee members, Dr. Marissa Lithopoulos, Lucía Quesada-Ramírez and Sophie Sack.

MSL EDI Committee Workshop Series: Workshop 1 – EDI Basics

Michael Smith Laboratories Multipurpose Room (MSL 101) 2185 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Basics is our first workshop of a six-part series. During this workshop, we will facilitate two activities: 1) a team-oriented exercise to build a mobile and 2) an individual reflection activity of identity mapping. Through these activities, we will explore and start a conversation around relevant EDI concepts and their direct application.  The workshop will be facilitated by MSL EDI Committee members, Dr. Marissa Lithopoulos, Lucía Quesada-Ramírez and Sophie Sack.

Michael Smith Laboratories Multipurpose Room (MSL 101)